Quick Email Hack

This will improve deliverability

Hey there 👋

It’s Philip, from Inbox Insider.

I wanted to share a super quick email hack that has helped improve email deliverability for my clients.

Adding Text Blocks to the Footer of Your Emails

Seems really random, because it is.

Adding some text to the footer of your emails has been shown to actually improve deliverability in your account.

The more text in an email, the more likely google or outlook are to trust it.


Mail Providers don’t necessarily like graphic-heavy emails.

The more graphics you include in an email, the more likely you are to be slightly punished in terms of deliverability and sender reputation. Even if you do things correctly.

This is tricky, because graphics are the way to go in terms of email design/layout nowadays, nobody likes reading.

Here’s What You’re Gonna Do:

  • Find the footer of your email

  • Add a text box right under or above it

  • Make the background color of the text box and of the actual text itself match the background color of the footer, making it invisible.

  • Go to your about us section on your site, and copy/paste 1-2 paragraphs of text into the text box you just created in the email.

  • Decrease the font size to the smallest possible setting

  • Decrease the line height to the smallest possible setting

  • Make sure the text box isn’t causing any blank space anywhere in the footer. Basically just make sure the footer still looks natural.

This is going to help your deliverability a TON, and it won’t disrupt the user experience at all.

I would recommend saving the footer with the text box added in as a template, that way you can just add it into different designs with ease.

Try it out, let me know how it works.

Reply to this email if you have any questions or have any specific topics you’d like to see me cover.

Till next time,


P.S. If you’re an e-com brand owner and you’d like a 1-1 call with me ahead of BFCM, book here: https://calendly.com/philip-socialscout/30min?month=2024-10